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Take part in consultation

Farnham Town Council is seeking local people’s views on proposed sites for an additional 450 homes in Farnham.

The early review of the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan was announced shortly after it was adopted in July 2017. It was prompted by a requirement from Waverley Borough Council that Farnham needs to accommodate the extra homes by the end of the Waverley Local Plan in 2032.

Councillor Carole Cockburn, Leader of Farnham Town Council says: “We decided to carry out an early review of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan because we want local people to be given the opportunity to have a say on the proposed locations of the additional homes. After so much hard work and community involvement, we also want to maintain the integrity of the policies within the Plan.”

The six-week consultation began on 17 August. Residents are being asked to complete a short survey which can be found at or copies can be picked up from the Town Council office in South Street.

Councillor Cockburn adds: “Although it is not that long ago that the Farnham electorate voted in a referendum to accept the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan, I would urge as many people as possible to complete the survey. We have focused on locations where we can minimise the use of the car and protect the spacious green setting of the town.”

The Neighbourhood Plan team will be out and about in the community throughout August and September and available to answer people’s questions. Details about where they will be is available at

Questions about the consultation can be emailed to or call 01252 712667.

The latest updates will always be available at