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Openness and transparency

Cogs and wheels

Browse a variety of information about Farnham Town Council's finances, staffing and governance.

The government’s Transparency Code aims to place more power in citizens’ hands to increase democratic accountability and make it easier for local people to contribute to the local decision-making process and help shape public services.

Farnham Town Council supports this aim by publishing a variety of tools and information. You can search our library for policies and procedures.

Publication of information

The Town Council publishes as much information as it can about its finances, governance and staffing. This includes:

Contact the Town Clerk if you feel additional data should be available.

Financial regulations

By law, Farnham Town Council is responsible for making sure that its financial management is adequate and effective and that a strong system of financial control is in place.

This information is published in the town council’s financial regulations. The regulations include arrangements for the:

  • management of risk, and
  • prevention and detection of fraud and corruption.

The financial management of the Council is reviewed by an independent internal auditor Paul Hartley and examined by our external auditor PKF Littlejohn LLP. Their contact details are:

   SBA Team
   1 Westferry Circus
   Canary Wharf
   London E14 4HD

Telephone: 020 7516 2200  Email:

Responsible financial officer

The Town Clerk is the responsible financial officer. The clerk administers Farnham Town Council’s financial affairs in line with the correct practices, keeps records of accounting practices and makes sure records are maintained and up-to-date.

The Annual Audit

An audit of the Council’s accounts for the previous year is carried out by the external auditor following approval of the accounts. The accounts were considered by councillors at the May Council Meeting.

The public has a right to inspect the Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return and supporting records. Electors also have a right to ask the external auditor formal questions or to raise objections to the accounts.

You can see the papers prepared by Farnham Town Council for the 2019/20 audit and the Notice of Conclusion of Audit for last year.


See our Certificate of Employer’s Liability Insurance 2020/21 and Certificate of Public Liability Insurance 2020/21.

Farnham Town Council’s insurer is:

   Zurich Municipal
   Zurich Town and Parish Team
   PO Box 726
   Chichester PO19 9PS

Telephone: 0800 778 552  Email:

Standing orders

Farnham Town Council is governed by a set of rules and laws called standing orders. The standing orders set out the way Farnham Town Council should conduct its business.

The standing orders include rules ranging from how to manage and conduct a meeting, to the way in which a council should deal with complaints.

Annual report

An annual report is published once a year. It reports on Farnham Town Council’s activities and achievements over the previous year.

See the 2019/20 review which was published in the September edition of Vantage Point magazine and distributed to every home in Farnham.

Procedures and useful information

General Privacy Notice

Short Privacy Notice

Complaints procedure

Code of corporate governance

Information publication scheme and records retention

Powers and duties of the Town Council

Town Clerk Scheme of Delegation

Health and Safety policy

Fire Safety policy

Freedom of information requests (FOI)

Freedom of information requests can be made to any publicly funded body. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)  gives you the right to ask for any recorded information we hold on any subject.

We post our responses to Freedom of Information requests online.

Requests for information should be addressed to the Town Clerk using the contact details at the bottom of this page. Alternatively, you can make an FOI request to any public body via the website what do they know.

Environmental Policy Statement

See a copy of Farnham Town Council’s Environmental Policy Statement.

Waverley Borough Council 

Council Tax Leaflet 2019/20

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