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Free music show

The Choir Company is the latest and last local act to perform at this year’s Music in the Vineyard, the programme of free indoor music events taking place at the Vineyard Church, Union Road, Farnham.

The Choir Company will treat its audience to an afternoon of rock, pop, Motown and soul hits at the show on Sunday 28 April from 3pm to 5pm. The choir is made up of local people who love to sing in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Led by a professional choir leader, they are known for their polished performances which include music from the likes of Coldplay, Abba and the Drifters and many more. 

“This is our fourth afternoon of Music in the Vineyard in 2019. Audiences so far have made the most of the opportunity to get together once a month to enjoy music and I am sure they will love our latest offering,” says Iain Lynch Town Clerk at Farnham Town Council, organisers of Music in the Vineyard.

“We run Music in the Vineyard each month from late winter to early spring because we know people like to have the opportunity to come into town to enjoy a warm welcome – even if the weather is a little chilly. If you are thinking of coming to the Farmers’ Market, why not make a day of it and stay in town for the concert,” says Iain Lynch. “We’re grateful to our sponsors, Bourne Wood Manor Care Home, for supporting this year’s Music in the Vineyard and keeping it free to enter.”

At each show, a different local charity hosts the refreshments stand. This time, the Woodlarks Centre will be selling hot drinks and homemade cakes and savouries. If they wish, guests can bring their own picnics instead making it an entirely free afternoon out.

Earlier in the day, the Farmers’ Market will take place from 10am to 1.30pm at Central car park. Farnham Town Council, which organises the market, expects April’s market to be popular. Iain Lynch says: “Shoppers will want to make the most of the spring produce. Lamb, spring greens, new potatoes and purple sprouting broccoli are all excellent in April and we may see salads like watercress and radicchio on sale too.”   

As well as fresh produce such as fruit, vegetables, meat and fish, stall holders sell eggs and dairy produce, breads and cakes, preserves, drinks and non-food items such as crafted goods, plants and flowers. The market is held on the fourth Sunday of every month.