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Farnham welcomes clean air day

In the week that a questionnaire has gone live inviting Farnham people to comment on ideas aimed at improving air quality, Farnham Town Council welcomes Clean Air Day and the opportunity it provides to get people thinking about the role they can play in cleaning up our air.  

It has long been an acknowledged problem that the town struggles with poor air quality and pollution particularly in the centre of town. 

The new Farnham Infrastructure Programme, which has the backing of Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council, Farnham Town Council and Jeremy Hunt MP aims to address the problems of air quality and its causes. 

Councillor John Neale, Leader of Farnham Town Council says: “Air pollution is one of the largest environmental health risks facing us today. While the Farnham Infrastructure Programme aims to address some of the bigger issues, on this year’s Clean Air Day I invite you to make a pledge about what you can do to start improving air quality. If we all did one small thing such as switching off the car engine when idling at the level crossing or traffic lights, using the car less, walking or cycling more, the cumulative effect could make a huge difference.” 

Clean Air Day is organised by the charity Global Action Plan. A link to ideas and resources for improving air quality can be found on their website.