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Neighbourhood Plan hearing

A public hearing will take place on 1 October (10am to 4pm) at Farnham Town Council so that an independent examiner can gather evidence from local representatives, developers and other interested parties about Farnham’s revised Neighbourhood Plan.

The plan was reviewed shortly after its adoption in 2017 following the setting of a new housing target by Waverley Borough Council. As part of the review, Farnham Town Council consulted with the local community to identify suitable sites for an additional 450 homes. The amended plan also includes a new end date to make it consistent with the Waverley Local Plan, and some minor text amendments.

At the hearing, which members of the public can attend, the inspector will hear from 12 invited parties. The examiner, Derek Stebbing, makes the decision on who is invited to speak and a full list is published on the Town Council’s website. They include representatives from Farnham and Waverley councils as well as a number of property developers.

The purpose of the hearing is to enable the independent examiner to determine whether the changes to the plan meet all legal and procedural requirements. Neighbourhood Plan examinations are usually conducted with written representations and site visits but on this occasion, Mr Stebbing decided that a public hearing is needed to look at some of the issues in more depth and to enable all those with a specific interest in the plan to have their say. The hearing will be held from 10am to 4pm in the Council Chamber at Farnham Town Council, South Street, Farnham, GU9 7RN. Full details of the hearing, including the process of the hearing and background information can be seen on the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan pages.