Mayoral Invitation Form 2020/21
The Mayor of Farnham is Councillor Pat Evans
The Mayor’s Consort is Mr David Evans
The Deputy Mayor is Councillor Alan Earwaker
The Deputy Mayoress is Claire Earwaker dos Reis
Inviting the Town Mayor to your function
The Town Mayor likes to support as many of the local community organisations as possible. If you would like Mayor to attend or open an event eg fete, AGM, concert, play, open a new building etc, then please complete the following form.
Please Note
- In speeches the Mayor is referred to as ‘Madam Mayor’ or ‘Mr Mayor’.
- If formal photographs are taken at the event, a copy would be appreciated for the Mayor’s portfolio.
* normally the Mayor will wear the chain of office unless the event is informal and you specifically request ‘no chains of office’.