The Secret Gardens of Farnham is an annual competition to find Farnham’s best secret gardens. We look for imaginative front and back gardens, wildlife havens, beautiful courtyards and creative hanging baskets and containers.
See the winners of the 2020 Secret Gardens Competition.
Who can enter?
The competition is open to gardeners who live in Farnham.
The categories
There are eight categories, which include:
- Best courtyard
- Best hanging basket or container
- Best front, back or small garden
- Best large garden
- Best vegetable garden
- Best wildlife garden
- Best family lockdown activity (bug hotel, nest box, small wildlife pond or flower bed)
- Best care home garden
Judging criteria
The judges look for:
- Planting, annual bedding, shrub borders and other general planting
- Lawns
- Hedges
- Vegetables
- Compost areas
- Areas for wildlife – from bird boxes to bug hotels
- Environmental best practice – use of peat-free compost and rainwater harvesting
Winners will receive a certificate and a voucher from Squires Garden Centre.
How to enter
The Secret Gardens competition has closed for 2020.