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Sponsors of Farnham in Bloom

Group of people. Some holding pot plants.

Find out about the sponsorship opportunities for Farnham in Bloom. There are packages suitable for all budgets and occasions.


We are grateful to everybody who has signed up to sponsor Farnham in Bloom 2020 to date.

Principal Sponsor

The Farnham Institute Charity


7 Crownwood Gate, Beavers Road Farnham Surrey GU9 7GE

Gold sponsors

Forest Lodge Garden Centre

Squire’s Garden Centre

The Patio Black Spot Removal Company Ltd

Pivot Ltd

Bush Hotel

Silver sponsors

Net Technical Solutions

Wildflower Turf Ltd

Continental Landscapes

Sponsorship opportunities for businesses

If you would like to have your business name associated with Farnham in Bloom, we have sponsorship opportunities to suit all budgets.

For £70 you could sponsor a hanging basket or pay a little more and have your business name mounted on a planter that will be seen by thousands of people.

Browse the available sponsorship opportunities and find the right package for you.

Sponsorship opportunities for individuals

Sponsoring Farnham in Bloom is not just for businesses and is open to local residents too. Why not celebrate a loved one in a completely unique way and sponsor a hanging basket or trough in Farnham town centre?

Our floral displays are at their peak during the summer months and would be a lovely way to mark a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or even to remember a special friend or relative.

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